
‘Mesh Possession’ Kang Sung-jin nominated for Puskas Award…will he follow Son Heung-min?

Park Ji-won=Kang Sung-jin (20-FC Seoul) has been nominated for the Puskas Award.

Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) announced the 11 nominees for the Puskas Awards on its website on Monday (June 22). Joining Kang Sung-jin (FC Seoul) are Alvaro Barreal, Linda Caicedo, Julio Enciso, Thurmansa Kerr, Brian Rosano, Guilherme Madruga, Ivan Morante, Nuno Santos, Ashut Tagibergen and Villatrice.

The Puskás Award was established in 2009 to recognize the most spectacular goal from any soccer game in the world. The award is named after the legendary Hungarian striker Ferenc Puskás. 카지노사이트원

Kang Sung-jin’s name stood out. In the 26th minute of the second group game against Jordan at the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) U-20 Asian Cup in March, Kang picked up the ball on the halfway line. He went on a brilliant run, beating three defenders. Then, after a stepover in front of the penalty arc, he fired a left-footed shot. The ball found the top left corner of the goal.

He becomes the second South Korean to win the award after Son Heung-min (Tottenham Hotspur). Son previously won the award in the 2019-20 Premier League (PL) season when he scored a 70-meter dribbling wonder goal against Burnley. Now, Kang Sung-jin is looking to follow in his footsteps.

The firepower of South Korean fans is important. The award is based on a combination of 50 percent fan votes and 50 percent votes from a panel of soccer experts.

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