
MGM Resorts Announces Appointment of Gary Fritz

Just this week, on Monday, October 10, 2022, global game leader MGM Resorts announced the appointment of Gary Fritz as president of MGM Resorts Interactive. 파친코 He will be responsible for the company’s diversification plan by leveraging its iGaming brand, Bet MGM, as well as organically expanding its digital platform through partnerships and acquisitions.

The company is an S&P 500 that specializes in premium casinos and hotel resorts. The company has 33 unique hotels and gaming venues around the world, making it some of the most recognized brands. Through its 50-50 venture with Entain, the company also offers world-class online gaming and sports betting through the BetMGM brand.

Bill Hornbuckle, CEO and president of MGM Resorts International, said in a press release that improving the company’s digital business was a top priority. Mr Hornbuckle believes the newly appointed Mr Fritz is well positioned to help build the company’s foundation for success. He also expects Mr Fritz to play a key role in promoting diversification and investment in the company’s strategy.

Previously, Mr. Fritz led the successful acquisition of Europe-based Leo Vegas while serving as head of gaming at IAC. With the new role, Mr. Fritz will now be tasked with planning the company’s growth in digital gaming. He will be a member of the board of directors of BetMGM and chairman of the board of directors of Leo Vegas.

Mr Fritz shared excitement over the news regarding the appointment and said he was pleased to contribute to the company’s success as the company is expected to expand its digital gaming segment. He praised MGM Resorts as a global leader in premium gaming and entertainment and said he now expects to drive strategies for global expansion and digital transformation.

Prior to his new job, Mr. Fritz led the global strategy and expansion plans of several multinational companies. This includes IAC, TripAdvisor, and Expedia. His professional career began with McKinsey & Company. He received an M.B.A. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania.

Meanwhile, the company continues to develop online services. Just last week, iGaming platform BetMGM announced the launch of NHL themed games for Ontario, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Some of the games include roulette, blackjack, baccarat and live money wheel games, which will definitely captivate hockey fans on the platform.

NHL Blackjack places participants on a table inside the Arena Skybox where they can have the option to move digitally between seats, while NHL Roulette impresses with true ball movement. There is also a money wheel game, Dreamcatcher, which allows the number that players think the wheels will stop.

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