
Round Craps: History, Rules, and Gameplay of an Ancient Dice Game

Round Craps is a dice game with a history that stretches back thousands of years. Archaeological evidence suggests that ancient civilizations, including those in Egypt, Greece, and Rome, played similar dice games using six-sided animal bones. It is believed that even mythical gods from Roman and Greek mythology used dice to influence the outcomes of human affairs. Dice artifacts have been discovered in ancient ruins, including the remains of Pompeii and Egyptian pyramids, emphasizing the longevity of this popular game.

The modern version of craps evolved over centuries. The game gained traction in Europe during the 12th century, reportedly introduced by British crusaders returning from their expeditions. The name “craps” originated much later, emerging in the early 19th century in New Orleans, USA, where the game became popular in gambling circles. Today, craps is known as one of the most fast-paced and thrilling games in casinos worldwide.

How to Play Round Craps: Rules and Gameplay

At first glance, the table layout in Round Craps may seem intimidating, with various numbers and symbols. However, once you understand the rules, the game becomes straightforward and highly entertaining. What makes Round Craps so enjoyable is the variety of betting options available and the fast pace of play.

  1. Choosing the Dice and Shooter:
    • The game begins with the selection of two dice from a set of five. Players take turns becoming the shooter—the individual responsible for rolling the dice. Any player can become the shooter if agreed upon by the other participants, with the role rotating clockwise after each round.
  2. Placing Bets:
    • Players (referred to as “players” or “bettors”) place their bets on various outcomes by selecting designated areas on the craps table. The variety of bets available adds to the excitement of the game, allowing players to wager on different combinations and sums of the dice roll.
  3. The Shooter Rolls the Dice:
    • The shooter rolls the two selected dice, and the total sum or combination of the dice determines the outcome. The dealer collects losing bets and pays out winnings based on the betting outcomes.

Unique Gameplay Element: Triple Dice Bonus in Round Craps

While most traditional craps games use only two dice, Round Craps introduces an exciting twist with the three-dice feature. At certain points in the game, a third die can come into play, creating a new level of excitement and higher payout opportunities.

  • 150x Payout on Triple Match:
    One of the most exciting bets in Round Craps is wagering that all three dice will show the same number. If successful, the payout is 150 times the original bet, making this a high-risk, high-reward option for daring players.

Why Round Craps Stands Out in Casinos

Round Craps has become a casino favorite thanks to its speed and variety. Players are drawn to the dynamic nature of the game, where each roll can lead to different outcomes and betting strategies. Here are a few reasons why Round Craps is such a popular game:바카라게임사이트

  • Fast-Paced Action:
    Compared to many other casino games, craps moves quickly, providing continuous excitement. Each round involves multiple rolls, keeping players engaged throughout the game.
  • Variety of Betting Options:
    The game offers numerous ways to place bets, from predicting the sum of the dice to betting on specific combinations. This flexibility appeals to both cautious players and high-rollers looking for bigger risks and rewards.
  • Social Interaction:
    Craps is known for its lively atmosphere, where players cheer each other on. The rotating shooter role adds an extra layer of engagement, fostering camaraderie among participants.카지노 사이트

Popular Betting Options in Round Craps

  1. Pass Line Bet:
    A standard bet predicting the shooter will roll a 7 or 11 on the initial roll. If successful, players win even money.
  2. Don’t Pass Line Bet:
    This bet is the opposite of the Pass Line bet, wagering that the shooter will roll a 2, 3, or 12.
  3. Come Bet:
    Similar to the Pass Line bet, but it can be placed after the first roll. It applies to the next point rolled by the shooter.
  4. Odds Bet:
    An additional wager placed on top of an initial bet, offering higher payouts with no house edge.
  5. Field Bet:
    A one-roll bet predicting the dice will show a total of 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12. The payout depends on the number rolled, with higher payouts for harder-to-hit numbers.
  6. Triple Dice Bet:
    Exclusive to Round Craps, this bet predicts that all three dice will display the same number. Successful bets receive a payout of 150x the wagered amount.


Round Craps combines elements of traditional dice games with fast-paced modern gameplay, offering a unique experience for players in casinos. With roots tracing back to ancient civilizations and a history of evolving rules, the game maintains its charm and popularity. The introduction of a three-dice feature in Round Craps adds a thrilling layer to the game, attracting both casual gamblers and high-stakes players.

Whether you are new to the world of craps or an experienced bettor, Round Craps offers excitement, strategy, and the chance for significant payouts. Understanding the rules, familiarizing yourself with betting options, and mastering the gameplay will enhance your experience and improve your chances of success. Enjoy the game, and may the dice roll in your favor!바카라 사이트

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