
Broadcasting-Entertainment AG stars going out of business…Ahn Se-Young followed by Baek In-Ryeol

After large-scale international competitions such as the Olympics and Asian Games, gold medal-winning athletes become stardom by appearing in broadcasts, commercials, and entertainment programs, but this time, there are many athletes who are making different choices.

Ahn Se-young (21, Samsung Life Insurance), who won two badminton titles at the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games, declined to appear on TV and in commercials to treat her knee injury.

In a post on Instagram, the Korean athlete said, “Since I finished well this time, I have received a lot of TV appearances, interviews, commercials, etc.”

“But the Ahn Se-young you know is the same Ahn Se-young yesterday, today, and tomorrow,” she said.

“You might think that I might be cocky, but I have a goal to reach in the future, so I’m going to walk silently step by step,” Ahn said, “I’m sorry that I can’t respond to the support of many people one by one.”

Ahn won gold in the women’s singles and gold in the women’s team event at the Asian Games.

In the women’s singles final against arch-rival Chen Yufei (CHN), she battled through a torn ligament in her knee to win. 카지노사이트

Ahn, who won the women’s singles and team event at the 1994 Hiroshima Asian Games, has been under fire for refusing to appear on television, in commercials and in entertainment programs after the Games.

In the meantime, Baek In-chul (23, Busan Jung-gu Office), who won a surprise gold medal in the men’s butterfly at the Asian Games, also refused to appear on the broadcast.

Baek won the gold medal in the men’s 50-meter butterfly preliminaries at the Asian Games on Aug. 28 with a new Korean record of 23.39 seconds, and on Aug. 14, he won the 50-meter butterfly final in the men’s general category at the National Championships in Mokpo Indoor Pool with another new record of 23.15 seconds.

Paik has emerged as one of the most dominant butterfly swimmers in the world this year, setting back-to-back Korean records.

After breaking his first Korean record in 23.67 seconds at the national management selection meet last November, Baek set a new record at the 13th Gimcheon National Swimming Championships on March 13.

He followed that up with a 0.17-second improvement at the KB Financial Korea Swimming Championships, where he qualified for his first World Championships in 23.50.

At the World Aquatics Championships in Fukuoka in July, he finished 23rd in a Korean record time of 23.50 and failed to qualify, but at the Hangzhou Asian Games last month, he broke the meet record and the Korean record twice in a row to become the Asian champion.

Still, Paik refused to let stardom overtake him.

“After the Asian Games, I thought I might be harmed by the attention, so I refrained from broadcasting and other activities to focus more on training,” he told the Korean Swimming Federation after the awards ceremony.

Baek is more focused on his race. “I’m happy with today’s result, but it wasn’t a perfect race,” he said.

“There was a moment in the middle where I didn’t hold the water completely during my stroke, and I’ll try to have a more perfect race next time.”

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