
Ronaldo’s ‘multi-goal’ outburst in first 20 minutes…his most ever in a match

Cristiano Ronaldo (Alnasr) scored again for the Portugal national team.

Ronaldo scored twice to lead Portugal to a 5-0 victory over Bosnia and Herzegovina in their Euro 2024 qualifying Group J eighth match at the Bilino Polje Stadium in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina on Sunday (July 17).

The goal gave Ronaldo a career A-match record of 126-127.

It was his 203rd A-match.

Ronaldo is FIFA’s all-time leading scorer in A matches.

Ali Daei (Iran – 108) is second and Lionel Messi (Argentina – 104) is third.

On this day, Ronaldo scored early and often. He opened the scoring on a penalty kick less than five minutes into the game, and then scored in the 20th minute off a pass from João Felix (Barcelona) to put the game out of reach.

Ronaldo has been in fine form for his country of late. 카지노사이트

Ronaldo previously scored twice in a 3-2 Euro 2024 qualifying win over Slovakia on July 10.

The win extended Portugal’s unbeaten streak to eight games and put them atop Group J with 24 points.

Portugal had already qualified with a win in their last match against Slovakia.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the other hand, dropped to 3-5 (9 points), eliminating their chances of finishing second in the group and thus qualifying directly.

In second place is Slovakia (5W1D2L – 16 points).

Meanwhile, Ronaldo was recently embroiled in reports that he is facing possible imprisonment for adultery in Iran.

Spain’s Marca reported that Ronaldo visited Iran and presented a painting to an unmarried woman, artist Fatami Hamami, and hugged her in return, and that the Iranian judiciary sentenced him to 100 lashes because physical contact with an unmarried woman is an act of adultery under Iranian law.

However, the Iranian Embassy in Madrid, Spain, said on social media, “It is upsetting to have to refute such baseless allegations,” adding, “We strongly reject any punishment against international athletes.

“We strongly reject any punishment of international athletes…

The publication of such unfounded news could lead to crimes against humanity against the oppressed Palestinians and the Islamic State.

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