
Chang LG vs. Shield KT opens Korean Series on 7th

Now, the stage to win the trophy will be held in earnest. 스포츠토토 The 2023 Shinhan Bank SOL Professional Baseball Korean Series best-of-seven series will begin at Jamsil Stadium on the 7th with the long-awaited Korean Series between the LG Twins and the second-ranked KT Wiz.

LG is trying to win the top prize for the first time in 29 years. LG, which went straight to the Korean Series as the No. 1 player in the regular season, aims to win the championship for the first time in 29 years since 1994. This series attracts a lot of attention just in itself because it was the first time in 21 years since 2002 when he won the runner-up prize. LG is ahead of LG with 10 wins and 6 losses this season.

LG showed overwhelming performance throughout the season. compete for the lead from the beginning of the season On June 27, he rose to the top of the regular league, and he never lost the first place and succeeded in going straight to the Korean Series with a balance of pitching and hitting.

LG, which ranked No. 1 in batting average 0.279 and score 767 points in the regular season, has a sharp spear ahead. With Hong Chang-ki, who ranked first in on-base percentage 0.444 and third in hits 174, the Three Musketeers of Foot Baseball formed by Park Hae-min and Shin Min-jae, the elaborate left-handed line formed by Moon Bo-kyung, Moon Sung-joo and Kim Hyun-soo, and the punch power of Austin Dean, Park Dong-won and Oh Ji-hwan.

LG took a long break in physicality. Since the pennant race ended on the 17th of last month, it has been repaired by taking a break for nearly three weeks. Recently, he awakened his sense of practice through practice matches and the Cheongbaek match.

Against LG, KT will try to win the championship for the first time in two years. In 2021, the team won its first integrated championship.

Although it fell to the bottom at the beginning of the season, it has rebounded sharply since June and filled 31 wins, reaching the playoff stage in second place in the regular league.

In the playoffs against the NC Dinos, they lost Game 1 and 2 in a row, were on the brink, and then dropped Game 3~5 to reach the Korean Series after the Hyundai Unicorns in 1996 and the SK Wyverns in 2009 currently SSG Landers as the third reverse sweep in the history of the playoffs with three wins in five games.

If G’s weapon is a spear, KT’s weapon is a shield. KT, which boasts 38 innings of quality start plus more than 7 innings of starting pitchers, less than 3 earned runs this year, has built a solid shield with a solid starting lineup and a powerful bullpen.

Ko Young-pyo, William Cuevas, Benjamin and Bae Je-sung will lead the starting lineup, followed by Son Dong-hyun, the most valuable player in the playoffs, Park Young-hyun, the hold king this season, and Kim Jae-yoon, who solidified his position as a veteran finisher.

KT cooled down NC’s bat, which had been hot with a 2.20 ERA in the playoffs. Son Dong-hyun, Park Young-hyun, and Kim Jae-yoon, Pil Seung-jo recorded zero ERA.

As soon as the parts considered to be the strengths of the two teams in this series collapse, the victory and defeat are also expected to tilt. In addition, attention is drawn to the match between Yeom Kyung-yeop, a junior LG coach, and Lee Kang-chul, a senior KT coach, who worked together for four years from 2013 to 2016 as a coach and senior coach at Nexen Heroes.

Coach Yeom enjoyed the excitement of winning the Korean Series in 2018 when he was the head of SK, but he has yet to toast as a coach. On the other hand, Lee took the helm later than Yeom, but won the unified championship in 2021 and was first rinsed.

In the match between the two head coaches, Yeom has a slight advantage with 20 wins and 18 losses 10 wins and 6 losses in 2019; 6 losses in 2020; 10 wins and 6 losses in 2023 to Lee.

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