
Canadian Games Summit Adds ‘Land-Based’ Track

With the current digitalization of the gambling industry, the Canadian Games Summit would like to talk about what awaits the land-based portion of it. 온라인카지노 The 26th edition of the popular Summit will now feature a ‘land-based’ conference track, which will discuss the future of real-world gambling in an industry headed for massive digitalization.

According to CGS’s schedule, the “land based” track will be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Center on June 14, 2023. It will include a conference agenda consisting of a unique lineup of industry experts to discuss the situation of traditional vertical lines such as horse racing, lottery, and bingo in the online world, and the occurrence of omnichannel formats.

The conference track will start with the panel ‘Lessons Learned from Community and Charity Games’. The theme of its concern is the way in which nonprofit charities and commercial operators can still be viable and relevant. As the game industry evolves in a new way, experts will talk about what charity games will need to adapt to the new landscape.

There will also be a panel titled Bringing New Technologies and Innovations to Land-Based Games, which will examine the integration of innovative technologies and land-based products. Also, experts on the panel will talk about whether iGaming and technology will affect land-based revenues in a good or bad way, and how brick operators can participate in bringing innovation.

On the other hand, as companies grow their operations, there will also be “field talent” sourcing various talents in Canada. Here, experts will have a discourse on the expansion of Canadian workforce in the industry. With many operators appearing in the country’s landscape, panellists will discuss how operators can integrate the best local talent and provide diversity.

In addition to all that, the track will also host numerous other tracks, including Payments & Compliance, Leadership & Growth and iGaming showrooms and exclusive roadside chats with keynote speakers. These will include Ray Pinot, CEO of Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, and Ilkim Hinser, EVP & CLO of Hard Rock International.

Earlier, the Canadian Gaming Summit announced that it would also showcase a thrilling “Sports Betting” conference track. Panel “Sports Betting Across Canada: Exploring Patchwork in Provincial Rollouts” launches track. Starting in August 2021, we will discuss and analyze the impact of the legalization of single event betting in Canada.

As mentioned, the CGS will be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Center in Toronto from June 13 to June 15, 2023. Next is Barcelona, the SBC Summit, which will be held in Montjuq, Pira Barcelona, from September 19 to September 21, 2023. The last of the year is Latin America for the SBC Summit, which runs from Oct. 31 to Nov. 2023 at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Miami, Florida.

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