
Casino Rama Suspends Business

Ontario’s gambling industry is receiving worrying news shortly after the start of the new year. 온라인카지노 This week Casino Lamar notified that it was temporarily closing its operations. The reason behind this is that Ontario has entered a revised phase 2 in its reopening plan, which imposes new restrictions on casinos.

On Monday, Prime Minister Doug Ford notified Ontario that it would return to a second-stage revision of the state’s reopening plan. Changes include restrictions on indoor activities such as casinos, restaurants, and gyms. Gateway, which operates the casino, notified the closure shortly after news of Casino & Entertainment.

Following Premier Ford’s announcement of new regulations, Gateway Casino & Entertainment announced that Casino Lamar’s operations will be suspended at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. A company spokesman commented that the health and safety of casino employees and customers remain a top priority as the company strives to contain the spread of the virus.

Company CEO Robert Mitchell said he could not provide details on how many employees would be affected by the current casino closures. The building was gearing up for the opening of its long-awaited entertainment center, but due to an increase in virus cases, performances scheduled for January and February will be rescheduled.

This wasn’t the only change in the casino’s live show calendar, as the property announced in late December that it had rescheduled several shows. This is because the province has imposed a 50 percent limit on indoor gatherings of many businesses. Initially, some events were rescheduled for this month, but it will not be possible as the casino closes.

After the state’s announcement of new health and safety restrictions, Niagara Casino also made it clear that Fallsview Casino Resort and Casino Niagara will be closed for about three weeks. It will also close at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, January 5, as the new measures take effect.

The company’s president, Richard Taylor, said since reopening its gaming facilities in the summer, both companies have welcomed customers in a safe environment. Mr Taylor explained that the company is in close discussions with the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Company and public health authorities to provide a reopening date next week.

The welfare and operational status of Fallsview Casino Resort and Casino Niagara Falls are both critical to Niagara Falls. The city receives a portion of the gaming revenue of real estate every quarter used for investment in the local economy. For example, from July 1 to September 30, 2021, the city received 4,668,393 CA of tax-free gaming revenue.

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