
“It was painful, but I was focused, and I’m happy to win”

Choi Jung 9, the strongest female go player in the world, smiled shyly after winning the Women’s Noodle Match for the second time in a row.

She also seemed to shake off some of the emotional pain after her recent defeat in the Women’s Kisheng.
Choi defeated Kim Chae-young 8th dan in the final game of the third round of the 28th Harimbae Women’s Guksu Tournament in 235 moves at the Hankook Kiwon Go TV Studio in Seoul, South Korea, on April 22 to improve to 2-1.

Choi won the tournament for the second time in a row and took home 30 million won in prize money.

She also won her sixth career title.
“I thought that if I surrounded the white hemp in the center and protected the left side (black jinyong), I would have an advantage,” Choi said after the tournament. 온라인카지노

Choi also talked about his loss in the HaeSung Women’s Game against newcomer Kim Eun-ji 9th Dan this week. “

I had to work on my mental game after losing HaeSung.

I wanted to win a lot today, but I’m happy and relieved to have won the last game.”

He also talked about the pain of losing to HaeSung Women’s Gi Seongjeon.

He said, “I can’t help but feel pain.

It’s a competitive job, so you can’t help but win and lose.

However, we still had the final of the Women’s Noodle Bowl to focus on,” he said.
“I think I’ll have a drink now that this year’s tournament is over,” he said, adding, “Next year, I’ll take care of my body as much as possible.

I will exercise more than I study, and I will show my upgraded appearance.”
The third finalist, Kim Chae-young 8th dan, had to swallow her disappointment.

Kim won her first title at the 19th edition in 2014, beating Park Ji-eun 9 dan 2-1, but lost to Choi in the 22nd edition and the final of this tournament.

She fought back in the final two games but could not get over the hump in game three.

The runner-up prize is 10 million won.
The time limit for the women’s noodle match was 1 hour and 1 second read.

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