
Hwang Sun-woo, Won 1st Place in the 200m Freestyle

Hwang Sun-woo, Who Felt Growth, “Won 1st Place in the 200m Freestyle Without Stopping the Opponent’s Pace”

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Hwang Sun-woo (20, Gangwon Provincial Office), who was recognized as the future of Korean swimming with his fearless performance at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics at the age of 18, has now established himself as a leading Korean swimming athlete.

He not only improved his skills, but also possessed the ability to manage the game through various experiences. 파워볼사이트

Winning the men’s 200m freestyle gold medal at the World Championships was the result of expert race management.

Hwang Sun-woo, who returned to Korea through Incheon International Airport on the 19th after finishing the 2024 International Aquatics Federation World Championships held in Doha, Qatar, said at a press conference, “At the Tokyo Olympics, I overpaced without knowing anything.

That’s why I couldn’t keep up with the second half of the race.” “In the 150m section, Luke Hobson (USA) increased his pace tremendously, but instead of following him and stopping him, he sprinted at the end and took first place.”

Sunwoo Hwang took first place overall in the 200m freestyle preliminaries at the Tokyo Olympics, setting a new Korean record and a new world junior record with a time of 1 minute 44.62 seconds.

However, he performed worse than the preliminaries with a time of 1 minute 45.53 seconds in the semifinals and 1 minute 45.26 seconds in the final, finishing in 7th place.

This is the result of rushing through the water without considering pace distribution.

However, this Doha World Championships was different.

Hobson took first place in the 100-150m section, but Hwang Sun-woo ran his race without wavering.

Hwang Seon-woo, who saved his strength there, used all his strength in the last 50 meters and was the first to hit the touchpad.

Sunwoo Hwang was first with 1 minute 44.75 seconds, Danas Rapsis (Lithuania) was second with 1 minute 45.05 seconds, and Hobson was third with 1 minute 45.26 seconds.

Sunwoo Hwang said, “I have gained experience by participating in many major competitions over the past two years.

This Doha gold medal came thanks to the good foundation I had laid so far.”

As he said, after the Tokyo Olympics, Hwang Sun-woo won a silver medal in the 200m freestyle at the 2022 Budapest World Championships and a bronze medal at the 2023 Fukuoka Games.

And he completed his dream of winning gold, silver, and bronze by winning a gold medal in Doha this year.

Hwang Seon-woo said, “I had a strong desire to win a gold medal.

I feel good because I feel like I have the triple punch by winning a gold medal in Doha.”

At the Paris Olympics, which are five months away, Hwang Sun-woo’s goal is to win two medals: the 200m freestyle and the 800m relay.

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