
Port Hardy Man Wins C$588K In Play Now

Just recently, the British Columbia Lottery Company told us about winning the state’s new slot jackpot. The latest winner is Paul Willy from Port Hardy, who won an amazing $588,376.64 for playing slot games on the Crown Company’s PlayNow online platform on a car trip to Nanaimo.

Currently, BCLC’s PlayNow portal is the only BCLC’s over 800 gambling websites to offer regulated gambling and sports betting to the state. The platform’s revenue is reinvested in education, healthcare, and community programs. It also funds the Community Gaming Grant Program, which provides non-profit organizations with more than CA$140 million per year.

According to the Crown Agency, Willy won the amazing prize for playing online slot games on PlayNow when he spent a night at the Nanaimo Hotel during a car trip. He’s now taken home a whopping 588,376.64 Canadian dollars. However, he didn’t believe his eyes at first because the slot games said he hit a jackpot worth more than $500,000.

Port Hardy explained that it was hard to realize how much he had won on the night of his stunning victory when he claimed a check at the BCLC office. At the time, Mr. Willie said he wasn’t sure if he should think or believe it, so he checked the screen several times, and even thought it was some kind of lie. Fortunately, for him, his windfall was quite realistic.

After his salary was confirmed by the Crown Agency, the winner contacted his family and shared the tremendous surprise. He was most excited to tell his children the news. Now, with the huge prize money, he plans to buy a whole new car while planning more car trips in the near future.

Over the years, residents of British Columbia have snatched impressive products from land-based casinos and online at Playnow. For example, earlier this year, Angie Lovell of Camloops earned an incredible CA$992,000 by playing a mobile-only Odds of the Gods slot game. She took a huge windfall while she was out in a trailer in Shuswap.

By the end of the turn, when she began to lose hope of winning something, the wheel triggered a gradual jackpot worth $992,940.48 Canadian dollars. With a big win, she treated her daughter to a nice dinner by the lake. In the past, she helped her son financially, and with the new money, she could help her daughters, too.

In August 2020, B.C. witnessed another major slot win, but this time it was played in brick wall format. The winner was Joshua Alexander, who only won an amazing Canadian dollar after 20 minutes of playing on a Powerbucks™ slot machine. He bet C$5.25 on a machine in Playtime Casino Kelowa.

BY: 실시간 바카라사이트

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