
Doosan is very nervous about complaining of one-two punch + leadoff injury

Doosan won 6-3 in the second game of the opening series against the NC Dinos of the “2024 Shinhan SOL Bank KBO League” at Changwon NC Park on the 24th.

It was an impressive game with an impressive combination of pitching and hitting. Brandon Waddell, who started the game, stopped the opponent’s lineup by pitching well with two hits, four strikeouts and two walks in five innings. In the batting line, veterans Jung Soo-bin, Heo Kyung-min and Yang Eui-ji hit home runs to take the lead. The batting line made 10 hits (three home runs) to set the stage for victory. With this victory, Doosan announced its first win of the 2024 season. After overcoming the pain of a finishing loss in the bottom of the ninth inning of the opening game on the 23rd, he quickly succeeded in turning the mood around.

It was the first meaningful win of the year, but I couldn’t just laugh. This is because three people were injured one after another. That’s because all the players who should be at the center of the team complained of physical discomfort, which is why people are concerned.

Raul Alcantara started in the opening game on Sunday. At the time, he pitched 66 pitches in six innings, allowing no runs in two hits, four strikeouts and four outs, but was replaced in the middle due to muscle pain in the front of his right thigh.

Brandon, another foreign pitcher, also felt pain. During the game on Monday, he felt pain in his left back and left the mound. The last one was Jung Soo-bin. While playing base running, his left middle finger was swollen and left the ground. Both the foreign one-two punch and the team’s leadoff were injured in an instant.

Ahead of the opening match, Lee smiled as if he was satisfied with the squad without injured players. No matter how good the players are, they should be able to utilize them.

“Last year, I was late in preparing for the season due to injuries such as Kim Dae-han and Jose Rojas. Dylan File (who was hit in the head) also started the season waiting for recovery and recognizing foreigners, worrying about such concerns. “I have no worries this year. I think the preparation for the season has gone better than last year,” Lee said, expressing expectations for the season with his best performance, but he became full of worries in just one day.

Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to be a major injury, but we have to wait and see.

Doosan will check the physical conditions of Alcantara, Brandon, and Jung Soo-bin as the 25th is a Monday without a game.

“I think we have to wait and see tomorrow (May 25) for Alcantara,” Lee said before the match on Monday. “I don’t think it’s a big deal, but the player himself said he was having a hard time,” Lee explained about Alcantara’s situation. Jung Soo-bin, whom he met after the match on the day, also said, “I sprained my finger once in a while over the course of the season. It’s not a big deal, but I’m a little swollen. I’ll take good care of the treatment and watch the situation.”

Doosan’s lineup will vary depending on the severity of injuries to Alcantara, Brandon, and Jung Soo-bin. The team is on high alert over complaints from one-two punch and leadoff teams.

BY: 토토사이트 순위

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