
“Jiyoung, we need someone like you in the team”

MHN Sports reported Pepper Savings Bank’s explanation through an article on the 2nd, “Jotlingi, Protecting the Squad” Pepper Savings Bank and Oh Ji-young’s testimony.

At the time, an official at Pepper Savings Bank’s secretariat said in this paper, “Coach Jot Lindsey’s response was to protect the team, and it went through a process of confirming with Oh Ji-young about the abuse process. The drinking story was off the point, but it was gathered for the team’s unity.”

Oh Ji-young, a former Pepper Savings Bank libero, was referred to the KOVO Reward and Punishment Committee on the 23rd for allegedly exhibiting bullying against two junior players. And on the 27th, as a result of the second reward and punishment committee, KOVO’s reward and punishment committee recognized his bullying behavior in the team and suspended him for a year, while Pepper Savings Bank announced the termination of his contract with Oh Ji-young.

Lee Min-seo (Suwon City Hall), who revealed her real name through an exclusive interview, has been at the center of controversy. Other than that, B is another victim. Lee and B are found to have submitted 16 types of evidence and six types of evidence to the KOVO reward and punishment committee, respectively.

However, public criticism such as “a year of suspension of qualification is too much” and “the process of punishment is too fast” continued over the process and the announcement of the results of the reward and punishment committee.

Accordingly, MHN Sports collected additional cross- testimonies on the 4th by linking simultaneous calls with the Pepper Savings Bank Secretariat, KOVO, and Oh Ji-young.

Pepper Savings Bank – The club has to write a contract with the player anyway. Based on the contract itself, no club says, “A is A, B is B.” The club also needed to confirm whether it was wrong or not through the player complaint center. The issue of human rights violations is being dealt with seriously by the federation as well. The referral to the reward and punishment committee does not necessarily mean that the federation has reported it.

It opens when there is objectively a fault. We needed such a process. Also, as the federation treated it seriously, the club could not condone it and had to actively inform it. The club took action first. (Of course) There is a real extreme example such as drunk driving. Such a problem can be solved without going all the way to the federation.

However, such matters are treated as human rights violations within the confederation’s boundaries. And we requested a judgment of objectivity as to whether or not the federation will be referred to the reward and punishment committee. According to the results, we have also prepared a future response against Oh Ji-young.

Pepper Savings Bank – there could be a huge number of regulations on such things. However, there is no such thing as “A if it is A, B if it is B” (detail). However, we also have our own internal regulations. Also, there is a rule that if a problem arises accordingly, our team can take disciplinary action on its own.

Of course, it does not stipulate that ‘if the situation is A, how many games are prohibited’. In some cases, the situation will always be different. We don’t set the rules for tens of thousands of cases, but we have our own internal norms and a process to decide through a review of the situation.

Players will receive human rights education, which is an essential education, in audiovisual form under the auspices of the Professional Sports Association during the season and under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism from next year. As the Professional Sports Association is educating all professional leagues collectively, we had no choice but to deal with the regulations that KOVO has in connection with that part.

BY: 스포츠토토

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