
Lotte Selects Park Se-woong and Barnes for Evaluation Match

‘Spring Camp Ends’ Lotte Selects Park Se-woong and Barnes for Evaluation Match

Spring Camp MVPs: Ko Seung-min and Choi Lee-jun.

Fielder Ko Seung-min and pitcher Choi Lee-jun were selected as the 2024 Lotte Giants Spring Camp Most Valuable Players (MVPs).

Professional baseball team Lotte returned to Korea on the 5th after completing spring camp in Guam and Okinawa, Japan.

The Lotte team announced, “We selected fielder Ko Seung-min and pitcher Choi Lee-jun as MVPs of this spring camp.

Seo Dong-wook received the skill development award selected by the coaching staff.” 카지노사이트

Lotte coach Kim Tae-hyung, who arrived in the country a little early after the last training on the 4th,

said through the club, “It was a very satisfying spring camp.

“It was a period where I felt the hearts of the players who wanted to do it, and I am more than happy that we were able to finish it without any injured players.”

“I think I received the award because I worked harder,” he said, adding,

“I will play well in the exhibition games and achieve good results to create an interesting season with the fans.”

Choi Lee-jun said, “It was a long and short spring training period.

“I think they gave me MVP because I learned more than ever before,” he said.

“Because we completed preparations for the upcoming season well,

the entire pitching team will show good skills this year.”

Catcher Seo Dong-wook said, “There are a lot of seniors who helped guide us during spring camp.”

“I think he gave me to work harder,” he said, adding, “I will prepare to show a good performance on the field in the future.”

The Lotte players, who boarded a bus bound for Busan at Incheon International Airport,

rested for a day on the 6th and returned to Busan from the 7th.

Training resumes at Sajik Stadium.

Evaluation games were also scheduled on the 7th and 8th,

with Park Se-woong starting on the 7th and Charlie Barnes on the 8th.

Starting on the 9th, a final inspection will be conducted through a demonstration game.

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