
Lee Jeong-hoo, Who Declined to Comment on the Lee Jong-beom

Lee Jeong-hoo, Who Declined to Comment on the ‘Lee Jong-beom KIA Director’ Theory, Said, “This is my Father’s Life”

KIA looking for a new head coach… Lee Jong-beom mentioned as one of the ‘legendary’ candidates Lee Jeong-hoo,

“There’s always talk about director vacancies, but I haven’t received any direct contact.” 파워볼사이트

The professional baseball KIA Tigers, which terminated the contract with former coach Kim Jong-guk,

who was accused of receiving kickbacks from sponsors,

is in the midst of appointing a new coach ahead of the new season.

KIA Director

While KIA is reviewing a wide range of candidates for the next head coach, Lee Jong-beom (53),

former coach of the LG Twins, is once again being considered a candidate for ‘Tigers manager’.

Former coach Lee, who was a legendary player representing the Tigers during his time as an active player,

has been mentioned as a candidate for manager for 10 years whenever the KIA manager position becomes vacant.

This year, he plans to go to the United States with his son Lee Jeong-hoo (25),

who joined the San Francisco Giants of the Major League Baseball (MLB), to receive leadership training.

Lee Jung-hoo, who is leaving for the United States to prepare for the new season,

met with reporters at Incheon International Airport on the 1st and said,

“You didn’t necessarily talk about (the KIA director theory).

Lee Jeong-hoo

“It is a sensitive issue, and I am not a player I can dare to talk about for the position of coach of a team,” he said.

Regarding the fact that he has always been criticized,

“In fact, there is a lot of talk every time the (KIA director position) becomes vacant,

but each time, there is no direct contact or anything like that.

So I am cautious about talking about it further.

“This is my father’s life, so I think he will take care of it,” he said bluntly.

According to Jeong-hoo Lee, it is still a valid fact that his father visits the United States for training.

What did you hear from him when he left for the United States? In response to the question, Lee Jeong-hoo said,

“He just told me to stay healthy and stay healthy.

He said, “My father has training plans planned anyway and will be living (in the same house in the U.S.),

so he didn’t say anything.”

Lee Jeong-hoo, who said that he ate beef with seaweed soup as his last ‘home meal’ before leaving home, said,

“My mother also said, He told me to just do well and come back.

My mother hasn’t been to my San Francisco home yet,

so I think she might come at least once to help me take care of things, she explained.

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