
Fortune Coin Expands Gaming Partnership

Fortune Coins is a relatively new social casino brand, but the company continues to expand rapidly as it has announced a new and exciting partnership. This week, the leading North American brand said it has partnered with Booming Games, a major casino game supplier. Now, the partnership will further strengthen social casino services for many users.

Booming games started its business in 2014 under the main name of the casino game provider division. Since then, it has been recognized for providing first-class titles to the industry, and boasts a team of outstanding animators, designers and mathematicians who help the studio produce games that provide memorable experiences for online players.

The partnership between the two gaming companies is one of the more exciting things in the industry because it is in the process of providing thrilling content and gaming experiences to players. Fortune Coin is one of the fast-developing brands in the industry promoting well-made titles, rewarding bonuses and prizes. The partnership will now offer much more quality products to social casino players.

For Booming Games, the deal gives the studio access to the social casino’s huge network of players and further increases its exposure in North America. As a market-leading supplier of online games known for their fascinating designs and machines, the studio will also be able to bring the latest products to new audiences and lead a new wave of followers.

This partnership between the two sides came at the right time because it prioritizes expansion in online gaming in a sustainable and responsible manner. In addition, the agreement will also see the debut of a new collection of the title in the social casino’s ever-expanding library of content, and the player has every right to be excited about it.

Yuliya Ivanisova, director of marketing and partnership at Fortune Coins, said the agreement was an important milestone for companies seeking the best social casino brand for subscribing users. She added that the platform aims to set new standards for innovative and engaging game content with important partners such as Booming Games.

So far, Fortune Coins has been quite busy in 2023 as the website has entered into several important partnerships to expand its services. In March, the company announced a partnership with leading iGaming provider Relax Gaming. According to the contract, the popular social casino website incorporated global content from suppliers for U.S. and Canadian users to enjoy.

Then in May, the social casino with sweeping elements announced it had partnered with Let Us Entertainment You Inc. This partnership is similar to the previous partnership because it allows the casino platform to adopt content from Let Us Entertainment’s impressive game title list, giving players much more game choices.

BY: 동행복권파워볼

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