
Kim Ha-seong, Ranked 15th Among MLB Free Agents

Kim Ha-seong, Ranked 15th Among MLB Free Agents in 2025… Young Age is also an Advantage”

American media selected ‘20 players to watch in the 2025 free agent market’

Although the 2024 American Professional Baseball Major League spring camp has not yet started,

Kim Ha-seong (28, San Diego) is considered a ‘big catch’ in the 2025 free agent (FA) market. 파워볼사이트 추천

TheScore.com of the United States selected ‘20 players to watch in the 2025 free agent market’

on the 5th (Korean time) and placed Ha-seong Kim in 15th place.

Kim Ha-seong

The media said, “Ha-sung Kim and San Diego have the option to extend the contract by one year by mutual agreement after the end of the 2024 season,

but it is very unlikely that both sides will choose to extend the contract.”

Ha-sung Kim is not noticeable, but he is a solid player.

“He has hitting ability, excellent base running, and outstanding defensive ability that allows him to play three positions (second base, third base, shortstop).

Kim Ha-seong also won the Gold Glove Award in the utility player category last year,” he explained.

He then predicted, “He is younger than other free agent infielders,

so he will receive a lot of attention in the free agent market.”

Ha-seong Kim signed a 4+1 year contract with San Diego in 2021 worth $28 million guaranteed, up to $39 million.

San Diego

The guaranteed amount includes a buyout of $2 million.

If his contract is extended by one year, Ha-seong Kim will receive an annual salary of $8 million in 2025.

If Ha-seong Kim enters the free agent market,

San Diego will pay Ha-seong Kim $2 million.

Ha-Seong Kim played in 419 games over three years in the major league,

posting a batting average of 0.245, 36 home runs, 153 RBI,

56 stolen bases, and an OPS (on-base percentage + slugging percentage) of 0.708.

Kim Ha-seong, who was gradually solidifying his position,

raised his batting index last year to 0.260 batting average,

17 home runs, 60 RBI, 38 stolen bases, and 0.749 OPS,

and was recognized for his defense by becoming the first Korean player to win the Gold Glove Award.

The Athletic predicted the size of Kim Ha-seong’s free agent contract to be ‘an annual average of $20 million,

with a total value of more than $100 million.’

This means that if Kim Ha-seong spends the 2024 season healthy,

he can become the star of a mega contract.

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