
Taiwan president urges democracies to unite

Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te speaks at a gathering of the largest delegation of foreign lawmakers to visit Taiwan in Taipei, Taiwan on Tuesday, July 30.  AP-Yonhap

Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te welcomed what he called the “largest-ever” delegation of foreign lawmakers to Taiwan and said Tuesday it showed the importance of democracies uniting, even as Beijing pressured members of the delegation not to visit.

“This demonstrates the support and the value various other countries place on Taiwan,” Lai said. “It also sends an important message to democratic countries around the world. Maintaining democracy requires unity, and we must protect democracy together.”

Lai made his remarks at a conference in Taipei held by the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, a group of hundreds of lawmakers from dozens of countries concerned about how democracies approach Beijing.

Beijing views the self-governed island democracy of Taiwan as part of its territory and has been upping its threats to annex it by force if necessary. Lai’s 바카라게임 party, the Democratic Progressive Party, doesn’t seek independence from China because he believes that Taiwan is already a sovereign nation.

Beijing sees Lai as a separatist and refuses to speak with him. China has ramped up pressure against the island since Lai took office in May, sending ships and planes on a large military drill to show displeasure at his inauguration. That comes after years of Beijing’s pressure on Taiwan — which has been ruled by the DPP for three terms now — on diplomatic, military and economic fronts.

Lai said at the conference that Taiwan would work with other democracies to protect democracy from “the threat of authoritarian expansionism.”

“China’s threat to any country is a threat to the whole world,” Lai told attendees. China “uses diplomatic kidnapping, economic coercion, internet attacks, and spreading false and fake things to continuously muddle matters and seek to undermine regional peace and stability.”

Lawmakers from at least six countries told the AP earlier this week that Chinese diplomats were pressuring them not to attend the conference. IPAC has long been despised by the Chinese government: Some members have been sanctioned by Beijing, and in 2021 the group was targeted by Chinese state-sponsored hackers, according to a U.S. indictment unsealed earlier this year .

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