
Tax saving of 134.1 billion won is possible

Shohei Ohtani (30, Los Angeles Dodgers) was hurt by the betrayal of a trusted interpreter. This time, taxes are a problem. The “Otani Act” is expected to be enacted in the U.S.

The U.S. The Athletic reported on the 11th that a U.S. senator from California submitted a bill to Congress regarding Ohtani’s tax issues.

This is about Ohtani’s 10-year-$700 million contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Ohtani suspended $680 million out of $700 million. The problem occurred here.

The Los Angeles Dodgers will pay 97 percent of the total contract, or 680 million U.S. dollars, in installments for 10 years starting from 2034. The Dodgers will pay only 2 million dollars per year from 2024 to 2032.

Under current California tax laws, Ohtani will not have to pay $680 million in taxes if he leaves California after his 10-year contract expires.

The state of California raised this issue. Under the current system, Ohtani could save up to 98 million U.S. dollars in taxes on 13.3 percent of income tax and 1.1 percent of insurance.

Of course, even if the new bill is passed, it is unlikely that it will be applied retroactively to Ohtani. However, the state of California intends to prevent the suspension of payment from being abused.

This is due to the possibility that not only baseball players but also high-paid corporate executives can choose this method. After receiving a small amount of money during the contract period, you can leave California.

Ohtani, a superstar whose everything is a hot topic. Attention is focusing on whether tax issues will lead to a new law, the so-called Ohtani law, in the U.S. this time.

BY: 안전놀이터

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