
Tottenham prospect who said, “I want to be like Son Heung-min,” conquers ‘Part 2’ → Possibility of becoming ‘Hwang Hee-chan’s colleague’

Wolverhampton Wanderers are keeping an eye on Jack Clarke.

Clark, once highly regarded in England, is armed with a physique of 181 centimeters and can play various roles ranging from left and right wingers, wingbacks, strikers, and attacking midfielders. He is a classic type of winger, but he even has deep movements as he grows.

He grew up at Leeds United youth. He made his senior debut in the 2018-19 season and transferred to Tottenham Hootspur in the 2020-21 season through the Queens Park Rangers (QPR).

Tottenham’s offense was spectacular at the time. Harry Kane and Son Heung-min were holding out, and Eric Lamela, Gareth Bale, Lucas Moura and Steve Verbine were also there.

Still, Clark was not intimidated at all. Rather, he hoped to grow higher by dividing the plays of quality players. In an interview with British media outlet Football London, he said, “I spent every day just being with the best players like Son Heung-min, Kane, and Bale. They were players that I really wanted to be like since I was little. I couldn’t help but be in awe of how they spend their days. I didn’t play every day, but I had to use that time to improve and try to imitate the best players.”

Of course, his life at Tottenham ended in failure. After playing in only four games in his career, he moved to Thunderland in the second half of the 2021-22 season.

Sunderland made a comeback. He became the best player in the championship by scoring 11 goals and 14 assists in 50 games including the 2022-23 season cup. He has further improved his skills this season. So far, he has 12 goals and two assists in 26 games in the league, and thanks to his performance, Sunderland is ranked sixth in the promotion playoff zone.

Many teams are keeping an eye on him. “Wolverhampton is one of several English teams targeting Thunderland winger Clark. Everton, Bournemouth, Burnley, Crystal Palace, Leicester City, Southampton and West Ham United are targeting him,” said the British media “Route Echo.”

BY: 안전 토토사이트

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