
Agency dismisses malicious rumors about KARA member Park Gyu-ri’s injury

KARA member and actress Park Gyu-ri / Captured from Park Gyu-ri's Instagram

The agency of Park Gyu-ri, an actress and member of the girl group KARA, has announced its firm stance against malicious rumors.

Her agency, Big Boss Entertainment said Wednesday on social media, “We recently informed you that actress Park Gyu-ri sustained facial injuries, including a fractured cheekbone and eye socket. The injuries were due to a fall during her personal schedule, but we did not disclose specific details to avoid causing worry among fans and acquaintances.”

The agency also revealed that it has confirmed through tips and inquiries that “baseless speculations and malicious rumors” related to the matter are spreading.

“We will respond firmly to any content that severely damages Park Gyu-ri’s honor and image,” it said.

Park is currently focused on rehabilitation after her surgery and has shown strong determination to resume her activities, the agency said.

The news of Park’s fractured cheekbone and eye socket was first announced on July 13. At that time, Big Boss Entertainment posted on social media, “Medical professionals have informed us that recovery from surgery will take about four to five 한국을 weeks. After careful consideration, the actress and the company decided to avoid strenuous activities during the treatment period and focus on recovery.”

They also said that Park would not be participating in her scheduled activities for the month of July.

Park reassured her fans on social media on Tuesday, saying, “The surgery went well. Please don’t worry too much about me.” She also promised to return in good health, both physically and mentally.

Meanwhile, KARA, the group Park belongs to, will release its new single “I Do I Do” on July 24 through various music sites. This new release comes approximately 20 months after its 15th-anniversary special album “Move Again,” which was released in November 2022.

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