
IGT Launches Lucky Wheel Bingo Across Ontario

International Game Technology continues to expand its brand across the Canadian gaming market, introducing the Wheel of Fortune Bingo service in Ontario. The company’s Wheel of Fortune Double 3X4X5X pay bingo and Wheel of Fortune 5 Times pay bingo have now been introduced to charity game centers approved for electronic bingo across the state.

IGT is the industry’s leading provider of numerous gaming products, including lottery offers, sports betting, and game consoles. The Wheel of Fortune brand game is based on the popular TV show Wheel of Fortune. The company has a regulatory license from Sony Picture Television and is able to take advantage of the popular sounds, colors and signals from the show.

Most recently, IGT announced that its Wheel of Fortune Double 3X4X5X Pay Bingo and Wheel of Fortune Five Times Pay Bingo have been introduced to the charity game market in Ontario. Currently, the company’s trademark products are available in 37 charitable game assets licensed by the province to provide electronic bingo as part of the game offering.

David Fraser, senior director of charity games at OLG, said introducing IGT’s Wheel of Fortune brand as an electronic cabinet bingo game is a great opportunity to engage new and existing players in the province. According to his opinion, the new addition will improve gameplay and provide additional product options for service providers in the province that contribute to raising charity funds.

David Flinn, vice president of Canada, South America and Central America’s IGT region, said the Wheel of Fortune brand is ready to enhance the player experience in Ontario’s charitable gaming market. He also added that the company will continue to produce new products with innovative technologies and modern play styles to support the work of charity bingo play in the province.

A massive eyegaming expansion is scheduled for this spring, as Ontario recently said the open eyegaming market will officially begin on April 4, 2022. A few weeks ago, iGaming Ontario announced that it had signed contracts with private operators to launch the market, and that approved operators would finally be able to offer online gaming options to Ontarians.

Returning to IGT, most recently the company announced that its subsidiary IGT Canada Solutions ULC had reached an agreement with Manitoba Liquor and Lottery Company. Through this contract extension, the international supplier of game products has integrated an updated version of the INTELEN™ video lottery central system into the Crown Agency.

The new contract was announced on February 1, 2022, and will operate over the next five years. The vendor has upgraded the province’s video lottery central system to the latest version of Intel Regen. And with the new update, the company’s newest retail site controller, several iLINK Ultras, are improved, giving retailers greater flexibility.

BY: 홀짜게임

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