
Melco Crown Announces Hyatt for CoD Manila

Hyatt Hotels & Resorts and Melco Crown (Philippines) Resorts confirmed a hotel management agreement for Hyatt City of Dreams Manila on Tuesday.

The venture will move into two towers of the $1.26 billion resort. The property is being developed jointly by Belle Corp., a Filipino company controlled by the family of Filipino-Chinese businessman Henry Shi, and Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd., co-chaired by Lawrence Ho Yau Lung.

Armin Santos, vice president of integrated resorts at Belle Corp, confirmed to GGRAsia last month that the partner’s goal is to open City of Dreams Manila in October in time for China’s Golden Week during the G2E Asia 2014 Global Games Fair.

In an earlier filing with the Philippine Stock Exchange, Melco Crown Philippines said it was simply aiming to open its properties in “2014.”

According to a filing by Melco Crown to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in October 2012, one of its units, MCE Leasure, has the right to hold all non-gaming profits in City of Dreams Manila. Melco Crown must share gaming profits with local partners.

“The Hyatt City of Dreams Manila will be an important milestone to further increase brand loyalty in areas where customers travel frequently,” said Ratnesh Verma, senior vice president of Asia Pacific real estate and development at Hyatt Hotels & Resorts.

The Hyatt-branded hotel is already operating in Macau’s City of Dreams (pictured).

“…We believe Hyatt City of Dreams Manila will attract business leisure travelers as well as meeting and incentive groups from across the region,” said Clarence Chung Yuk Man, president and president of Melco Crown Philippines.

Melco Crown Philippines said the Hyatt hotel will feature 365 rooms, two food and beverage spaces, a fitness center, a VIP lounge, and an outdoor swimming pool.

Melco Crown previously announced that it will have a roughly 260-room Crown Tower Hotel on its six-tower Manila property, using the brand name of Australia’s Melco Crown Partner Crown Resort. It will also have Asia’s first Novu Hotel, taking advantage of the global brand recognition of Japanese chef Matsuhisa Nobu, who is also a shareholder of Novu Hospitality LLC, and Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro, Nobu’s brand ambassador, according to a company announcement in March.

BY: 홀짜게임

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