
Hitting Ahn Se-young getting stronger

The offensive against Ahn Se-young, a gold medalist at the Paris Olympics, who revealed the absurdity of the Badminton Association, is intensifying. Recently, even Na Soo-hyun, a commentator for MBC, a former member of the national badminton team, pointed out Ahn’s “politeness” and seems to be leaning toward the association.

Commentator Bang said in an interview with the Sunday newspaper on the 9th, “Ahn Se-young was injured at the Hangzhou Asian Games and prepared for the Paris Olympics while not recovering properly. It must have been a really difficult process,” but added, “For the first time ever, the Badminton Association allowed Ahn a personal trainer. I understand that he took a lot of consideration for Ahn to recover his physical condition.”

“How hard is it to play as a member of the national team? Ahn Se-young is not the only one struggling. All players play under the national flag in such an environment,” Bang said. “I joined the national team at an early age and experienced all that time. I think no one pushed the national team.”

He also pointed out Ahn’s lack of thoughtfulness. “Ahn would have tried to stir up the irrationality of the association or the protection of the national team’s players when his words gained momentum after winning the Olympic gold medal, but it was a pity that the hard work of the training partners, coaches, and trainers who helped Ahn was overlooked,” Bang said. “The closer we look at this situation, the more we will see how special the association took care of Ahn.”

“It was so unfortunate that the entire nation made a bombshell as if they were determined at the press conference for winning the Olympic gold medal on a happy day to celebrate the first Olympic gold medal in women’s singles in 28 years,” he said. “The interview buried other athletes, issues and grades participating in the Olympics.”

“I don’t think there is a player who has regrets about the association. I would have been dissatisfied with the management of the association when I was an athlete,” Bang said. “But if I stood on the Olympic stage wearing the national flag and won the gold medal on that stage, it would have been better if I had come back to Korea with the value and glory of the gold medal, and organized my thoughts through interviews.”

Meanwhile, on the 9th, Lee Ki-heung, chairman of the Korea Sports Council, appeared on “Kim Hyun-jung’s News Show” and refuted Ahn Se-young’s revelation one by one.

“After the Asian Games, Ahn said, ‘There is no big problem. I can rehabilitate for about four weeks,'” Chairman Lee said. “When (the leaders) asked me if I was okay, I said it was okay, and when I asked again if it would be better to take a rest instead of going abroad, I said, ‘It’s okay. I will go out.'” He added, “There are all these procedures and text messages we exchanged.”

Regarding Ahn’s injury, he also said, “It is detailed in the reports submitted by the leaders by time and date,” adding, “Although Ahn was in a situation where he could receive enough treatment in Paris, he said, ‘I want to get acupuncture from a Gangnam oriental doctor,’ so the badminton association took him to Paris for nearly 10 days.”

Regarding the part that Ahn Se-young was upset that the trainer she trusted and relied on after her injury could not come to Paris, he stressed that it was a matter of procedure. According to internal procedures, if you want to re-use the trainer until June 30, you need to go through procedures such as announcement-application-examination.

BY: 안전놀이터

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